I am delighted to share that Dr. Stephanie Loomis and I have co-written an article about my classroom design and how it is driven by instructional design; this article, “The Classroom Is a Mirror: Learning Spaces as a Reflection of Instructional Design,” is available now in the September 2020 issue of NCTE’s Voices from the Middle.  I am indebted to Dr. Loomis who invited me to collaborate with her on this writing endeavor and for her faith in me as a literacy educator.  If you are a Georgia educator, you should be able to access the article soon through GALILEO.

Of course, many things have changed in all our classrooms in just a few months.  I hope to publish some new posts soon and share the real-world view of what it is like teaching every day face to face in the Covid-pandemic era.   Like many of you, my work load has doubled with even less time for planning, so I’ve honestly not had the energy to blog as of late, but I hope to write new posts soon and elaborate on how I’m crafting a blended learning environment and share the realities of teaching right now.